Canvas is, in my humble opinion, the best LMS around, and my second package rcanvas is for all the students, TAs, instructors, and analysts lucky enough to reside there. A growing number of contributors has made it easier than ever to automate various workflows, and I’m excited to show off some that new functionality here.

Adding Enrollments

Add enrollments to any published course.

library(rcanvas) #devtools::install_github("daranzolin/rcanvas")

  course_id = 43432,
  user_ids = c(32324, 434423, 434343, 443242),
  type = "StudentEnrollment",
  state = "active"
) %>% 

Comment and Grade Submissions

Programatically comment and shame grade students.

comment_submission(course_id = 1350207, assignment_id = 5681164, user_id = 4928217, "You get an F for using a for loop.")
grade_submission(1350207, 5681164, 4928217, grade = 55)

Upload Files to a Course

Push files from your local machine to Canvas with purrr.

png_files <- dir(pattern = ".png$")
list_upload <- list(course_id = 1185256, file_name = png_files)
pwalk(list_upload, upload_course_file)

Get a Course Gradebook

Get a tidied gradebook ready for visualization.

get_course_gradebook(course_id = 43423)

Add Users to a Group

You could identify and assign students to a group programatically.

add_multiple_group_users(group_id=c(23, 24), user_ids=c(327, 328))

Create Assignments

Create assignments in R.

create_course_assigment(course_id = 1185256, 
                        name = "Readings 1", 
                        points_possible = 100, 
                        unlock_at = "2018-05-01T08:00:00Z", 
                        due_at = "2018-06-01T20:00:00Z", 
                        description = "Readings in Post-Structuralist and Lacanian Feminism: Saussere, Derrida, Kraftchick", 
                        published = TRUE)

And much much more! Check the README for additional features, file an issue if you encounter any issues, or submit a pull request to add something new!