For those miserable fortunate enough to study classical literature, the Perseus Digital Library (PDL) is an
invaluable resource. In brief, PDL is a collection of Greek and Latin texts (among others), although it also functions as a lexicon similar
to non-digital resources like BDAG. I often used the site
to check a word’s alternative definitions or locate other occurrences. Wow, that feels like forever ago now.
I must have subconsciously drifted back to the site for one reason or another, but whereas previously I had eyes only for exegesis, I now see fun software projects. Somewhat miraculously, I am not the first to contemplate technical applications to ancient texts–someone beat me to it.
For my own purposes, I confess I don’t have any specific applications in mind. I can vaguely imagine an interesting shiny app or tidy text
analysis, but those are just ideas; a full R package is even more distant. Anyways, I first had/have to conquer Perseus’ XML schema, which was/is not fun, and barely rewarding. Thank God for
Jenny Bryan’s xml2::as_list()
Per Scott Mcphee–my aforementioned kindred spirit–I can acquire Perseus’ entire catalog of Greek and Latin texts via a url that could crash your browser, so I won’t link to it. You need the urn identifier to each text in order to query the collection, and those are buried deep in the XML. Here’s how I got my data frame catalog:
url <- ""
perseus_xml <- GET(url) %>%
content("raw") %>%
read_xml() %>%
parse_nested_xml <- function(x) {
attr <- c(attributes(x), attributes(x$work))
items <- unlist(x)
c(attr, items) %>%
discard( ~length(.) > 1) %>%
parse_perseus_xml <- function(x) {
works <- sum(attributes(x)$names == "work")
if (works > 1) {
dat <- map_df(x, parse_nested_xml) %>%
} else {
dat <- parse_nested_xml(x) %>%
names(dat) <- c("lang", "groupname", "projid", "urn", "title", "label", "description")
perseus_catalog <- perseus_xml %>%
keep(~ "work" %in% names(.)) %>%
map_df(parse_perseus_xml) %>%
tidyr::fill(groupname) %>%
nchar(lang) == 3)
Yes, it’s somewhat of a hackjob, and yes, I almost certainly lost some data along the way, but here’s a taste of the tidy data frame:
lang | groupname | projid | urn | title | description |
grc | Hippocrates | greekLit:tlg006 | urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0627.tlg006 | De morbis popularibus | The Genuine Works of Hippocrates. Hippocrates. Charles Darwin Adams. New York. Dover. 1868. |
grc | Dinarchus | greekLit:tlg005 | urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0029.tlg005 | Against Aristogiton | Perseus:bib:oclc,1533490, Perseus:bib:isbn,0674994345, Dinarchus. Minor Attic Orators in two volumes, 2, with an English translation by J. O. Burtt, M.A. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1962. |
grc | Moschus | greekLit:tlg001 | urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0035.tlg001 | Eros Drapeta | Moschus. The Greek Bucolic Poets. J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds. William Heinemann; G. P. Putnam's Sons. London; New York. 1919. Keyboarding. |
grc | Plutarch | greekLit:tlg073 | urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg073 | De amicorum multitudine | Perseus:bib:oclc,10390491, Plutarch. Moralia. Gregorius N. Bernardakis. Leipzig. Teubner. 1888. 1. |
Whose texts do I have the most of?
> count(perseus_catalog, groupname, sort = TRUE)
# A tibble: 70 × 2
groupname n
<chr> <int>
1 Plutarch 145
2 Lucian 71
3 Demosthenes 63
4 M. Tullius Cicero 60
5 Aristides, Aelius 56
6 Old Testament 46
7 Titus Livius (Livy) 46
8 Plato 36
9 Lysias 34
10 Homeric Hymns 33
# ... with 60 more rows
How about a snippet of Cicero?
get_perseus_text <- function(urn, text) {
url <- sprintf("", urn, text)
httr::GET(url) %>%
httr::content("raw") %>%
xml2::read_xml() %>%
cicero <- perseus_catalog %>%
filter(grepl("Cicero", groupname)) %>%
sample_n(1) %>%
select(urn, title)
> cicero
urn title
48 urn:cts:latinLit:phi0474.phi023 Against Vatinius
cicero_passage <- get_perseus_text(urn = cicero$urn, text = "1.1")
> cicero_passage$GetPassage$reply$TEI$text$body$div$p[[4]]
[1] " tanta enim potest exsistere ubertas ingeni,
\nquae tanta dicendi copia, quod tam divinum atque incredibile
\ngenus orationis, quo quisquam possit vestra in nos
\nuniversa promerita non dicam complecti orando, sed percensere
\nnumerando? qui mihi fratrem optatissimum, me
\nfratri amantissimo, liberis nostris parentes, nobis liberos, qui
\ndignitatem, qui ordinem, qui fortunas, qui amplissimam rem
\npublicam, qui patriam, qua nihil potest esse iucundius, qui
\ndenique nosmet ipsos nobis reddidistis.\n\n"
Obviously I’d have to do a much better job parsing the XML response in the future. Here’s to a depressing fun new project! Cross your fingers
for Part II!