API Clients
rcanvas - R Client for your Canvas LMS. Get student data, copy courses, grade students, etc.
rperseus - Texts from the ancient world and a toolkit to unpack them. rOpenSci reviewed.
rEvalKit - R Client for the EvaluationKit REST API.
Data Visualization
compareBars - Simplify comparative bar charts in R with d3.js.
countem - Sit back, relax, and enjoy the bar charts.
clockwork - Create radial line charts with d3.js.
d3rain - ‘Raindrop’ visualizations in R with d3.js.
pinpoint - Interactively explore a distribution with d3.js.
Data Manipulation
barah - Fashion order out of chaos. Just an Rcpp experiment.
hacksaw - Extra tidyverse-like functionality.
kapow - Detonate R objects and assign the remains to an environment of your choice.
RStudio Addins
ViewPipeSteps - Generate View() tabs for each step in a pipe chain.
compareAreas - Compare areas across square meters, kilometers, feet, miles, and acres.
quickglobe - Interactive 3D globe built with d3.js.
freshAirAppFinder - Find closest route to a location under an AQI threshold. Shiny app bundled inside a package using GitHub Actions.
Expected Accidents - Identifying Hazardous Intersections in San Francisco with ArcGIS Pro, Python, and R.
RentSuitability - ArcGIS Python Toolbox
dputsql - Create
SQL statements from R objects. -
env2list - Query the global environment tidyselect-stype.
funcreporter - Automate parameterized Rmarkdown reporting.
inferregex - Infer the regular expression (regex) of a string.
intermittent - An S3 class to work with term data.
sqltargets - ‘targets’ extension for SQL files.
rCAEDDATA - Data from the CA Dept. of Education.
textych - Create interactive text parallels.
sntaskreader - Read exported PDF task reports from ServiceNow
Spatial Representations of Greek Prepositions - Recreation of a textbook chart with an Observable notebook.