Earlier today I fantasized about publishing a book through O’Reilley Media. Besides producing dozens of essential works on programming, data science, and UX, they’re the ones responsible for introducing IT folk to the African Civit, the Binturong, and my persona favorite, the Springhaas. Would zoology textbooks with terminal prompts and monitors be half as interesting? I doubt it.
The fantasy ended abruptly, as I remembered that I had a B.A. in English instead of a B.S. in Computer Science, and an M.T.S. instead of an MSci. I also assumed that the vast majority of O’Reilley authors hold terminal degrees in their respective fields. But…was that a safe assumption? I went to find out.
Getting the Author Profiles
I hoped that O’Reilley had author profiles available somewhere on their website, and I was not disappointed. All that remained was a dash of web scraping. Before getting started, I’d like to assure my readers that I checked O’Reilley’s Terms of Service before writing a line of code. I control-f’d my way through the terms, and nowhere could I find a prohibition against scraping.
My plan was this: (1) scrape each author’s bio, twitter handle, and expertises from their author profile; (2) coerce them into a data frame; and (3) grep for whatever–“PhD”, “CEO”, “Founder”, etc. My scraping function is below:1
get_oreilly_author_details <- function(id) {
BASE_URL <- "http://www.oreilly.com"
url <- modify_url(BASE_URL, path = c("pub", "au", id))
resp <- GET(url)
if (resp$status_code != 200) {
tibble(id = id, bio = NA, twitter = NA, expertises = NA)
} else {
html_doc <- resp %>%
content("text") %>%
scrape_text <- function(html_doc, nodes) {
for (node in nodes) {
text <- html_doc %>%
html_nodes(node) %>%
html_text() %>%
if (!length(text) < 1) break
if (length(text) < 1) NA else text
id = id,
bio = scrape_text(html_doc, c(".authorbio", "#Biography p")),
twitter = scrape_text(html_doc, "#authordetails li+ li a"),
expertises = list(str_trim(scrape_text(html_doc, ".expertise li")))
With our scraping function in hand, we just iterate through a vector of author ids. Author ids are assigned chronologically, 7290 being the most recent. Here I figured the last 290 authors would be a decent sample size:
oreilley_authors <- 7000:7290 %>%
O’Reilley Author Bios
I’d like to apologize to the O’Reilley authors in advance. While I’m about to attempt a generalization of your past and present identities, I acknowledge and respect your individuality–you are irreducible.
With that out of way, let’s learn who these authors are.
Of the 290 authors represented, how many have PhDs?”
> oreilley_authors %>%
filter(!is.na(bio)) %>% #18 authors do not have bios
mutate(phd = ifelse(grepl("phd", bio, ignore.case = TRUE), TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
# A tibble: 2 × 2
phd n
<lgl> <int>
1 FALSE 257
2 TRUE 19
Wow, not what I was expecting! “PhD” appears in a mere 7% of the more recent O’Reilley author bios. I concede it’s possible that many authors didn’t bother mentioning it, but that seems unlikely.
Using the same approach, I learned:
- 18 percent are CEOs
- 10 percent are founders
- 4 percent are presidents
- 6 percent are “passionate” or have “passion”
Again it’s very possible that there are dozens more CEOs, founders, and presidents among the O’Reilley authors, but it’s odd they wouldn’t include those tidbits in their bios. This is good news! You don’t have to have a PhD, be a CEO, found an organization, or be president to be an O’Reilley author!
Out of curiosity, what are the most common words in O’Reilley bios?
bio_words <- oreilley_authors %>%
filter(!is.na(bio)) %>%
select(bio) %>%
unnest_tokens(word, bio)
bio_words %>%
anti_join(stop_words) %>%
count(word, sort = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3,976 × 2
word n
<chr> <int>
1 data 181
2 software 129
3 university 89
4 science 88
5 experience 77
6 technology 73
7 design 71
8 development 70
9 product 70
10 security 69
# ... with 3,966 more rows
No surprises.
O’Reilley Author Expertises
Let’s shift focus from the bios to the expertises. Sure you don’t have to slog through years of school and debt for that doctorate, but you better be an expert in something. Here are the most common expertises:
oreilley_authors %>%
unnest(expertises) %>%
mutate(expertises = tolower(expertises)) %>%
count(expertises, sort = TRUE)
# A tibble: 257 × 2
expertises n
<chr> <int>
1 speaking 48
2 training 44
3 consulting 34
4 writing 29
5 programming 15
6 javascript 5
7 data science 4
8 hadoop 4
9 java 4
10 machine learning 4
# ... with 247 more rows
The news keeps getting better! You don’t even have to be an expert in writing to publish a book! Only 40% of these authors claim writing as an expertise.
To sum up, the “average” O’Reilley author does not have their PhD, is not a president or CEO, and is not even an expert writer! You don’t need to be those things either–let that be your inspiration.
Sometime ago, O’Reilley changed the CSS biography selector from “#Biography p” to “.authorbio”. When exactly that occurred is unknown, but I had to account for the presence of both selectors. ↩