Your reporting infrastructure is like a puzzle: you have to know how the pieces fit. Your ETL scripts are a piece; your table
schema is a piece; your data extraction tools are a piece; and your output is a piece. While brute force and time can wedge
anything together (however crudely), ideally we want as little friction as possible; a dash of package templating + rmarkdown::render
+ purrr
greases all wheels. In brief, you will probably want to turn your reports into functions. Below I’ll demonstrate how this works, thus creating a programmatic interface to your reporting infrastructure. That means loops and automation, coding instead of clicking.
You can follow along by first installing reportsAsFunctions on GitHub. The package contains a paramaterized .Rmd template and a single function, generate_report
If you are unsure about creating Rmd templates, Chester Ismay’s tutorial is quite good. And it is relatively easy to paramaterize any report, as described by Yihui here.
is the engine of rmarkdown
and the substance of our generate_report function (see below). It has three essential arguments: input
, output_file
, and params
. Our function wraps these arguments, abstracting render
to cover any parameterized template.
generate_report <- function(template_name,
see_now = FALSE) {
if (!file.exists("skeleton.Rmd")) {
output_file <- file.path(here::here(), output_file)
rmarkdown::render(input = "skeleton.Rmd", output_file = output_file, params = param_list)
if (see_now) browseURL(output_file)
The Input File
Assuming you’ve already created and packaged an .Rmd template with parameters, the skeleton.Rmd
file from
is the first argument to render
Thus, you need to access the file paths of your installed package. Here I created a helper function to
the path of any of my templates:
template_path <- function(template_name) file.path(.libPaths(), "reportsAsFunctions",
"rmarkdown", "templates", template_name,
"skeleton", "skeleton.Rmd")
The function has one parameter, report_name
, so it can reference multiple report templates (should they exist).
It would be great if we could just pass the installed package file path to render
, but there appears to be a Pandoc bug
preventing us from doing so. The solution is to copy the template to your working
directory and reference it there. That means another helper function:
copy_skeleton <- function(template_name) {
p <- template_path(template_name)
invisible(file.copy(p, here::here()))
The Output File
You need to specify the output file name and extention, e.g. “report_name.html”. My templates are all HTML outputs (as specified within the YAML) but you could hypothetically add a third argument, output_format
to toggle between HTML, PDF, docx, etc. You could also fiddle with the output
location, but I work almost exclusively within projects, so here::here()
is a sensible setting.
It is relatively simple to set up parameters, as described by Yihui here. The lone requirement is that they are a named list.
Finally, we can call our function. Note that “report” is the name of this particular template.
generate_report("report", "setosa-report.html", param_list = list(species = "setosa"))
The rendered output should appear in your project’s root directory. The additional see_now
parameter is mostly for
convenience, opening your browser if you want to see the output immediately.
The real power of reports as functions comes from this parameterization. Here I loop through and generate a report for each species:
iris_species <- unique(iris$Species)
out_files <- sprintf("%s-report.html", iris_species)
params <- map(iris_species, ~list(species = .x))
walk2(out_files, params, ~generate_report("report", output_file = .x, param_list = .y))
Three reports for three species isn’t a lot, but how about 50 reports for 50 clients? The lessons, as always, figure out something once, then scale and automate. Make the pieces fit!
The function’s internals were modeled after Hadley Wickham’s “Joy of Functional Programming” repo. We’re taking the next step and turning it into a package function. ↩