How'd they do that? Part I: Console Histograms

This is the first post in a new series Iā€™m calling Howā€™d they do that? Motivated by professional curiosity and personal jealousy, I will identify, expose, and interpret stumble through the secrets hidden within my fellow #rstats enthusiastsā€™ repos. The exposition will not be exhaustive; curiosity is a fickle thing,... [Read More]
Tags: R

'And the winner is...' Text Mining Award Nominations

I recently had the privilege of reviewing internal award nominations. In a secret duel of persuasion, hundreds of employees seized the opportunity to outboast their colleagues in boasting about their colleagues. Letterhead was prepared, anecdotes collected, and thesaureses consulted.1 Iā€™m told the plural of ā€œthesaurusā€ can also be ā€œthesauriā€.Ā ↩ [Read More]
Tags: R tidytext

Data Validation with assertr: Dates and Regular Expressions

Being introduced to a new R package is like going on a really good first dateā€“you wish you had met the person sooner, you imagine doing all sorts of fun things together in the future, and you canā€™t wait to blog about the experience. Okay, maybe just the first two.... [Read More]
Tags: R

How well do you know Calvin and Hobbes? An R Game

One of my most prized possessions is The Complete Calvin and Hobbes, the undisputed greatest comic of all time. I defy anyone to name a strip more hilarious, more cohesive, more emblematic of the vicissitudes of life. Iā€™ve read and reread those volumes countless times, and I rank both Calvin... [Read More]
Tags: R

How to be an O'Reilley Author

Earlier today I fantasized about publishing a book through Oā€™Reilley Media. Besides producing dozens of essential works on programming, data science, and UX, theyā€™re the ones responsible for introducing IT folk to the African Civit, the Binturong, and my persona favorite, the Springhaas. Would zoology textbooks with terminal prompts and... [Read More]
Tags: R scraping