Earlier today I completed my first (sprint) triathlon. For me, it was 2 hours and 12 minutes of barbarism–a 1/2 mile swim, a 15 mile bike ride, and a three mile run to boot. I knew my time was poor; I struggled to wiggle out of my wet suit, was passed by over 100 people while cycling,1 heard the winner announced before I even started running, and completed the race amongst septuagenarians. But how poor? I needed data.

TBF Racing did not disappoint–within hours the results were online. A few lines of web scraping later, and the data was mine:

url <- "http://totalbodyfitness.com/site/results/2017-golden-state-triathlon-sprint/"
tri <- url %>% 
  read_html() %>% 
  html_nodes(".raceSchedule") %>% 
  html_table() %>%

h1 <- names(tri)
h2 <- unlist(tri[1,])
h2[is.na(h2)] <- ""
header <- c()
for (i in seq_along(h2)) {
  if (h2[i] != "") {
    header[i] <- paste(h1[i], h2[i], collapse = " ")
  } else {
    header[i] <- h1[i]
tri <- tri[-1,]
names(tri) <- header

convert_mins <- function(x) {
  ch <- times(x)
  60 * hours(ch) + minutes(ch)
tri %<>%
  mutate_at(vars(contains("Time")), convert_mins) %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
  mutate(end_swim_mins = swim_time,
         end_bike_mins = swim_time + t1_bike_t2_time,
         end_bike_rank = dense_rank(end_bike_mins),
         start_mins = 0) 

I then converted the times to minutes and created some cumulative end_*_mins variables.

A glance at the data:

rank bib name age gender swim_time swim_rank t1_bike_t2_time t1_bike_t2_rank run_time run_rank finish_time
1 324 Peter Mendes 43 M 14 4 41 1 18 2 74
2 142 Travis Lantz 36 M 12 1 42 3 19 8 75
3 134 Jeremy Dylan Kalmus 28 M 13 3 43 5 18 3 75
4 278 Greg Watkins 54 M 14 5 43 4 20 11 78
5 121 Cristobal Heitmann 31 M 15 16 44 8 19 6 79
6 310 Brian Leighton 56 M 14 9 42 2 22 36 80

Now, some questions:

What percentile was my time? (132 minutes)

> round(pnorm(132, mean = mean(tri$minutes), sd = sd(tri$minutes), lower.tail = FALSE) * 100)
[1] 13

Yeesh. It doesn’t look any better on a histogram or broken down by stage:



Is there a correlation between age and finish time?

The resounding ‘No!’ was cool to see.


What was the distribution by gender?



How did the Neufelds, my racing companions, fare?

Better than me.


With emojis!


Some summary statistics:

gender mean_minutes_to_finish sd_minutes median_minutes best average_age
F 118.7636 17.35892 117 84 37
M 106.6071 18.64382 104 74 43

Bonus: Age distribution


  1. But not by the guy on a BMX.